5 Airwick Imotion air fresheners rolled back to $5.68
Use the $5/1 coupon from the 3/7 SS
Final Price: $.68
5 travel size Tide detergent $.97
Tide Detergent, any size $1/1 PG-3/7
Final price: FREE!
4 Clean&Clear travel size face wash $.97
Use Clean and Clear product, any $1/1 SouperSaladSS-3/28
Final price: FREE!
4 12 count Schick razors $1.97
Use Schick Disposable Razor package, any $3/1 SS-3/21
Final price: FREE!
4 Halls cough drops $1.24
Use Halls or Halls Sugar Free Cough Drops, any single bag up to 30 ct. FREE, max. value $2.29 EyemasterSS-3/28
Final price: FREE!
1 Carefree pantyliner 1.00
$1/1 Carefree Product (Good Housekeeping Feb '10)
Final price: FREE!
So when I was checking out I told the cashier that she would need to adjust some of the coupons. She adjusted the Tide coupons with a little guiding, but I realized when I was leaving that she didn't adjust the Schick razor coupons or the Clean & Clear coupons. So for all of this I ended up making $1.52! Ahhh, I love free stuff!
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